Serving up an entirely captivating release, on PORCELAIN, 1 REBEL NATION continue to operate at the top of their game as a ground-breaking duo making exciting alternative pop music. The pair fuse elements of indie rock and pop with their adventurous sense of sonic experimentation to deliver a vibrant and original sound
— Plastic Mag
It’s hard to want to fit Porcelain’s musical style somewhere between indie rock, pop and experimental, this duo of singer-songwriters and producers simply blew us away.
— Iggy Magazine
Though the ten songs on the album come in at just over thirty minutes, there is a variegated aspect to the genreless ethos that lends itself to satiated listening. Such an abandoning of coherent genre constructs gives 1 Rebel Nation personality.
— No Transmission


1 REBEL NATION is a musical duo based in Los Angeles, CA composed of siblings Dejon LaQuake and Dakota Love. The singer/songwriting and producing duo always tend to color outside of the lines, giving them the “Avant-Pop” label. They seamlessly blend Alternative Rock, Experimental Pop, and Post Punk music paired with gripping storytelling and catchy melodies that feel atmospheric. The duo always aim to find different ways to experiment on every album which makes them raw and unique; whether that’s in the arrangement, melody, or composition, there is no limit. 

In 2019, 1 REBEL NATION released their debut album, ‘Bloom’, then their second album, ‘PORCELAIN’, in 2022; an out-of-the-box alt-pop record that takes a fresh approach to exploring new territory in music, and takes you on a riveting sonic journey that pushes the boundary of modern pop music. Their album has been described by "No Transmission" as "an impressive album likely to attract more fans to this curious group" with "Plastic Mag" writing that “the pair fuse elements of indie rock and pop with their adventurous sense of sonic experimentation to deliver a vibrant and original sound.” Following the release of the ‘PORCELAIN’ LP, in 2023 the duo released an EP, ‘CHOPPED & SCREWED’ featuring four slowed down songs from their album ‘PORCELAIN’. With their unique sound, intriguing lyrics and visuals, the duo has been able to build a strong following on Instagram with over 43,000 followers and have managed to create an online community full of passionate fans who eagerly await each new release.

Their live shows have been described as a captivating experience, with their audience enthralled by the interesting arrangements of their songs. Their live performances are full of energy and emotion, creating an atmosphere that is both lively and captivating. The duo have been bringing their unique sound to some of the most iconic venues in California including Avalon Hollywood, The Mint, The Hanger at the OC Fair, Nike 3on3 at L.A. Live and Madame Siam.

1 REBEL NATION is a dynamic duo that's sure to leave you wanting more. With their unique sound, they create a captivating experience that will make you curious about what's next. Their music is not only memorable and catchy but also thought-provoking, making it impossible to forget. They have a way of drawing in listeners and keeping them engaged with their creative sound and lyrical content taking you on an unforgettable journey.


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